Luxury Teas

More than 70 choices - Loose leaf or tea bags - from a world-famous tea vendor who supplies the Fairmont Hotel Chain and also Queen Elizabeth with tea for her annual Buckingham Palace Garden Party.
Roasted to order - never from an inventory.

Custom Roasted Coffee!

Our Sonofresco Coffee Roaster uses hot air rather than direct flame thereby preserving flavor nuances of the coffee beans and reducing carcinogens.
Bodum: Make Taste Not Waste®

Bodum Coffee & Tea Brewing

The original French Press for Coffee! Bodum Assam Tea Press Bodum Travel Mugs & Presses
Brew it with Bodum!
Shop our selection of Bodum Tea & Coffee presses and Travel Mugs!
Limited Time Only!
Spring Harvest Blend Coffee
Available only through the end of May.

Medium-dark roast, bright, sunny flavors. A delicious cup of coffee for a Spring morning!
Rue Saint-Honoré Éditions Limitée Coffee - Spring Harvest Blend